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When gunshots interrupt five students' winter vacation,
a young woman must struggle with a choice...
one that could mean her personal salvation,
but may also lead to the deaths of her closest friends.

On the day He returns...
... only the Dead will walk the Earth.






Cast of Second Coming

Jezebel: Arron Marie Fenton -
John: Stephen Malloy Brackett
Daniel: JD Mendonca - Imdb
Sam: Mitch Slevc
Josie: Brooke Marcellino


Kent Shelton: Marine Corporal Jockey
Terry Braaten: The White Haired Bearded Man


-Crew of Second Coming-

Director/Cinematographer/Producer: Mike Darling
Creator/Writer/Producer: JD Mendonca
Writer/Producer: Kent Shelton
Executive Producer: Heather Braaten
Executive Producer: Terry Braaten
Executive Producer: Betsy Braaten
Producer: Arron Marie Fenton - ImDb
Sound: Galen Shoe
Script Supervisor: J Kellermeyer
Script Supervisor: David Goodrich
Special Effects/Make-up: Ryan Griffith
Production Assistant: Emily Lueck Goodrich
Documentarian: Terry Bergen

Special Thanks to:

Alice & John Weeda
Barb Rigel
Brett, Jamel & Bodie Ellzey
Liz Coen Kellermeyer
Skid & Dee Klees
and Alfred the White Chevy